2025 Initial Exhibition Schedule

Every year members of Akoma Ntoso have the opportunity to exhibit their art in venues around the city of Indianapolis. Here is the initial schedule for 2025:

  • February 2025: Center for Black Literature and Culture (CBLC) at the Central Library Downtown (Reception and Talk by Dr. Tony J. Dickerson)
  • October – November 2025: Landmark Indiana (Member Spotlights)
  • November 2025: Sacred Threads (Expressing Life’s Journeys: Curated by Barb Triscari)
  • November 2025: CBLC at the Central Library Downtown (Adinkra Symbols and Beyond)
  • CARE Storytelling Quilting Workshop (TBD): (Work with Dr. T and Dr. Priscilla Barnes and the CARE Program at Indiana University to help tell stories of Alzheimer’s and other ARDs)