The Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild of Central Indiana (ANMQG) is a Quilting Guild for people of color in the Indianapolis Metropolitan area! Many of us are new to quilting and we welcome the chance to explore this new arena of personal and collective creativity. While we were created to bring together people of color, we welcome a diverse membership.
On Friday, February 2, 2018 we began the process of establishing our own quilting guild right here in Indianapolis, IN by joining The Modern Quilt Guild, a national organization whose mission is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. The Modern Quilt Guild is made up of more than 200 guilds around the world. We are the second MQG in the Indianapolis area. Our anniversary date is April 7, 2018!
The Guild was formed to do several things:
- Preserve the love of quilting
- Be a source of information and inspiration for quilters
- Encourage excellence in quilting and related arts
- Be of service to the community
- Provide fellowship to people with a common interest, especially modern quilting
The name of the organization shall be CENTRAL INDIANA AKOMA NTOSO MODERN QUILT GUILD, aka Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild of Central Indiana and hereafter referred to as AKOMA NTOSO or the Guild.
Akoma Ntoso, in the language of the Akan people of West Africa, literally translates to “linked hearts” and “understanding” and the name was chosen to represents the Guild’s mission to bring the love of quilting as expressed by the expert quilter to the novice quilter; the young quilter to the elder quilter; the female quilter to the male quilter, and so on. The mission is to stimulate an interest in modern quilt making, educate its members, provide for the interchange of information, and encourage community giving.
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are exclusively charitable, literary and educational within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
Section 1
Membership shall be open to individuals who show a love of the tradition of quilting, with a special slant towards modern quilting. Individuals seeking membership will complete a membership form and pay yearly assessed dues.
Classification of Members
1) Active Member: An Active member shall attend regular meetings, participate in and support the projects of the Guild, have the privilege of voting and holding office, receive a regular newsletter and pay dues. Dues are payable each January or upon joining.
2) Active Youth Member, age 17 years and under: An active youth member shall attend regular meetings, participate in and support the projects of the Guild, have the privilege of voting, receive a regular newsletter and pay one half the regular membership dues. Dues are payable each January or upon joining.
3) Affiliate Member: A business, community organization, or individual wishing to support the Guild may be an affiliate member. Affiliate members shall pay annual dues as set by the Board. Affiliate members shall not have voting privileges, hold office or constitute any part of a quorum. They shall have the right to use an edited roster solely to publicize the affiliate’s own business. General members may request their names be deleted for such purposes. This roster shall not be sold or used by other businesses.
4) Founding Charter Member: Anyone who joined the Guild on or before May 2018. An Akoma Ntoso member in good standing who participated in the original founding of the Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild of Central Indiana and has contributed significantly its purposes and aims for 5 consecutive years may, upon the nomination of the Executive Council and the approval of the regular membership, be elected Founder Life member. Such membership shall have full voting rights and shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues.
Section 2
A guest may attend two meetings before becoming a member.
Section 3
Paid members are eligible to attend all Guild meetings and functions.
Section 4
Members shall make a fabric name tag within two months of joining the Guild. Each member not wearing a fabric name tag to meetings shall be assessed a fee of $1.00. The money accumulated shall be used for hospitality expenses.
Section 5
New members shall be given a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and a Member Handbook.
Section 6
A roster of the current members shall be prepared for the March/April meeting. The roster is only to be used for the purpose of member to member and guild communication.
Section 1
Dues will be assessed annually and will be payable at the January meeting. The amount of the dues is to be determined by the Executive Board. An increase in dues will be announced at the annual October meeting.
Section 2
Only members whose dues are paid shall be entitled to vote at the annual election, on matters of policy, and on amendments to the bylaws.
Section 3
New and renewing members pay the full amount of yearly dues when joining or rejoining the Guild during the months of January through June. From July 1 through October 15th, new members shall pay half the yearly amount. After October 15th, the current year’s dues will be waived with a paid membership for the next year.
1). The Board approves all contracts. Approved contracts shall be signed by the President and the Standing Committee Chair, if applicable.
2). No officer or member shall be personally liable for any bills or obligations of the Guild, past or present, except for payment of her/his own dues.
3). No officer or member of the Guild shall disburse any funds in her/his keeping and belonging to the Guild without authorization of the President.
4). No person shall use the name or official logo of the Guild for other than Guild purposes without approval of the Board.
7.1). All supplies and equipment purchased by the Guild with Guild funds or donated to the Guild shall remain the property of the Guild and be used expressly for the benefit of all members.
7.2).The custodian of such items shall be appointed by the President and is obligated to maintain these items.
The fiscal year of the Guild shall be January 1 until December 31 each year.
Section 1
The officers of Akoma Ntoso shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. The officers, chairpersons of standing committees and the immediate Past President shall hereafter be known as the Executive Board. The 2018 founding officers shall serve for one (1) year and can then qualify for a two year period if elected. Each member shall serve for a period of 2 years.
Founding Officers Include:
Tony Jean Dickerson, Founder and President, Indianapolis, IN
Vickie Powell Parham, Secretary, Indianapolis, IN
Vanita Powell, Treasurer
Indianapolis, IN
Nikita Blount Duncan, Charity Program Coordinator, Indianapolis, IN
Mira Jean Duncan, Youth Ambassador, Indianapolis, IN
Mrs. Linda Edwards Lee, Lifetime Member, Indianapolis, IN
Section 2
The President shall serve for two years. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Guild. The President shall appoint the standing committee chairs to serve for one year and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except for the Nominating Committee. At the discretion of the President and after consulting with the Executive Board, the President shall act on minor matters whenever they cannot be taken up at a regular meeting. In the event that neither the President nor the Vice-President is able to attend the general meeting, the Secretary shall conduct the business of the Guild. The outgoing President shall act as an adviser for Akoma Ntoso for one year immediately following the term of office.
Section 3
The Vice President shall serve for two years. The Vice President shall conduct the business of the Guild during the absence of the President. The Vice President is the current coordinator of all programs. The Vice President may serve as, or appoint a Program Coordinator. The Vice President will also support the Charity Program Coordinator and Block of the Month Committee. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of President for the remainder of the term of the office.
Section 4
The Secretary shall serve for two years. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings, including attendance lists; shall conduct all correspondence; and shall keep all records, documents, and copies of all correspondence pertaining to the activities of the Guild on file. A copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be kept in the book of minutes. The Secretary shall email Board meeting minutes to all Board members at least two weeks before the next Board meeting and shall provide copies of the Board meeting minutes for those without email access. The Secretary shall make available a copy of the Board meeting minutes to any Guild member who requests them. Copies of the Executive Board meeting minutes will be available to the membership by the first Guild meeting following the Executive Board meeting.
Section 5
The Treasurer shall serve a term of two years. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and make payments and disbursements. The Treasurer shall assist in the preparation of the budget for MQG. The Treasurer shall make an end of year report to the membership in January. In the event of the Treasurer’s inability to act as Treasurer, the President is also authorized to make such payments and disbursements, until such time as a new Treasurer is appointed or elected to fill any vacancy of office. The Treasurer shall be responsible for filing tax forms and the annual report for her year in office. The annual report to the state must be filed by the end of the quarter following the end of the fiscal year. The annual report forms are provided by the state. The Treasurer shall post a detailed financial statement at the general meeting following a Board meeting. At the end of the Treasurer’s term she shall submit the Guild records for an independent audit ordered at the Board’s discretion. The results of the audit should subsequently be reported in the Guild newsletter. All checks for the amounts of $500.00 or greater in Akoma Ntoso’s General Account shall be co-signed by the Treasurer and the current Guild President to make the endorsement consistent with bank requirements.
It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to create and approve an annual budget and to report this budget to the membership at large via publication in MQG newsletter. Each Board member shall have one vote on all questions of policy and present recommendations to MQG. Any Standing Committee as listed having two or more chairpersons (Co-Chairpersons) will be allowed one vote. To hold a vote on questions of policy, a quorum of the voting members of the Board must be present. Assuming there is a quorum and a vote is called for, then a simple majority of the voting members present will determine the vote.
If a voting member of the Board cannot be present at a Board meeting, she may elect to pass her proxy to a subcommittee member, with instructions to use that vote as directed by that Board member. Such proxies must be signed by the voting Board member (electronic proxies such as email or text messages are acceptable) and presented to the presiding officer at the beginning of the Board meeting to be considered valid.
In the event of a tie vote, the President will cast the deciding vote. Additional Committees may include, but are not limited to the following: Block of the Month, Historian, Hospitality, Logo & Fund Raising, Membership, Newsletter, Show & Tell, Special Projects/Sunshine. Committee Chairs shall submit a report to the board ten days prior to each Board meeting if requested by the Board. Chairs shall submit an annual report, to each of the outgoing Executive Board member at the end of the calendar year.
Section 7
If a vacancy occurs in the Guild’s Executive Board, the Executive Board shall have the right to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term of office.
Section 1
The president shall be responsible for the appointment of a Nominating Committee, which shall consist of three members, chosen annually in October.
Section 2
Every two years, the Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of candidates for the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary in its list of offices to be filled. Candidate’s names shall be presented at the November annual meeting.
Section 2.5
In odd years, the Nominating Committee shall add names to its list of offices to be filled at the annual meeting. Candidate’s names shall be presented at the November meeting. Nominations from the floor are in order.
Section 3
Each nominee for office including nominations from the floor must give consent to accept the nomination for office and be fully advised as to the responsibilities of that office.
Section 4
The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall hold the election of officers at the annual meeting If there is more than one candidate for the same office, election shall be by ballot and a majority vote shall elect. If there is only one candidate for each office, it will be in order for the Chair of the Nominating Committee to cast the vote of the membership for the slate of officers presented.
Section 1
There shall be one general meeting on the fourth Sunday of each month at which all official Guild business shall be conducted.
Section 2
The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be in December.
Section 3
Newly elected officers shall assume their duties on January 1 through December 31.
Section 4
Meetings of Guild Board shall be held at least monthly and at the call of the President. All Guild members whose membership is current are encouraged to attend Guild Board meetings.
A quorum of regularly called meetings shall be a simple majority of the membership present.
The order of business at meetings of the Akoma Ntoso MQG of Central Indiana shall be at the discretion of the President and may include the following:
Sign In
Call to order
Greeting of members and guests
Reports from Treasurer, other officers and committees
Program Activities
Show and Tell and Door Prizes
Board meetings shall be presided over by the President or designated representative, who shall conduct the discussion of issues in a civil fashion, allowing members to express their opinions while maintaining general order. The president shall decide when the discussion on an issue is closed and whether a vote shall be taken. Voting on issues shall occur only if a quorum of voting Board members is present; a simple majority will decide the vote.
Provided that there is a quorum of the paid membership present, the Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Central Indiana Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild. Notice of any Bylaw amendments shall be thirty days prior to a vote.
In keeping with the guidelines for incorporation, the Guild will maintain a registered agent (typically the Treasurer or President) with a registered physical office or address, other than a post office box, located in the State of Indiana for the purposes of serving a summons or other legal communication. The Guild shall notify the State if the agent or agents address changes.
Section 1
The membership may vote to dissolve the Central Indiana Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild at any general meeting of the Guild by a simple majority vote, providing that a motion to dissolve has been submitted in writing at the previous general meeting.
Section 2
In the event of dissolution, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all of the liabilities of the Guild, all remaining assets shall be distributed to a 501 (c) (3) organization with similar purposes. No funds shall go to benefit the Executive Board of the Central Indiana Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild or its members.
Incorporated: April 7, 2018
Two and one half hour General Meetings are conducted monthly. The Central Indiana Akoma Ntoso Modern Quilt Guild meets on the 4th Sunday of the Month. Parts of the monthly meetings are reserved for presentations given by selected speakers who generally conduct the workshops. Every meeting will have a Show and Tell section for all members to share their current projects.
All general meetings are held at the Harper J Ransburg Branch YMCA located at 501 N Shortridge Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46219 from 3:30pm to 5:45pm unless otherwise noted.
Becoming a Guild member is easy and rewarding. There are many levels of involvement and many benefits to membership. We want our enthusiasm to be contagious. Shortly after joining, new members are welcomed by a guild member (“friend”) who provides guidance and answers questions.
ANMQG’s Board meets on the first Sunday of every month at 6:30pm
The General Guild Meeting takes place on the 4th Sunday of every month from 3:30pm – 5:45pm at the Harper J Ransburg Branch YMCA. This branch is located at 501 N Shortridge Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46219.
Members get together in small groups (Bees) on a regular basis to quilt and talk and eat and talk and quilt and eat!
Presently the Guild has established three (3) quilt bees in our young organization and may meet multiple times per month.
The Groovy Newbies is for members who are brand new to sewing and quilting.
The Modern Marvels are dedicated to promoting all things modern.
The Charity Cherubs dedicated to promoting our charity ventures.
There is a program at each meeting ranging from quilting clinics to presentations by a selected speaker. Our guild has several members who have volunteered to teach skills that will benefit all members. So whenever possible, we will start with our own membership to conduct workshops and/or demonstrations
Linked Hearts and Community Giving
Akoma Ntoso has at its cornerstone a mission of giving back: to ourselves (creativity), to each other (fellowship) and to the community (support for our fellow man). It is our goal that we complete four projects to be distributed to a variety of local community agencies throughout the year. Several workdays are scheduled during the year, with a big Community Giving Quilts Workshop in July. A Guild fabric stash will be maintained from donations and purchased fabrics. It is available to all Guild members for these charity projects.
In addition to whole Guild workdays, the Charitable Cherubs Bee will meet more frequently to ensure that our charitable activities stay at the forefront of our Guild’s mission.
We are a new Guild, therefore we are a growing Guild; always learning and changing to meet the needs of our members. All are needed to pitch in and contribute to the operations of the Guild. There are many ways to get involved–and when we do, that’s when the fun really begins!
If you are interested in a leadership position, our Guild is currently in need of a Vice President, Program Coordinator, and a Block of the Month Coordinator! Email our Secretary, Mrs. Vickie Parham, a completed Leadership Interest Form found behind the Welcome on our homepage to to express your interest in these positions. Put Leadership Position in the subject line.
Snow/Bad Weather Policy
In the event of snow or inclement weather, we ask that you pay close attention to the local news. Please use your own judgment as to the road conditions in your area. If it is too dangerous to go to the corner store, it is too dangerous to come to the scheduled meeting!